Quartz tuning fork
Quartz tuning fork

quartz tuning fork


In series resonance signal passes through the crystal. (just off frequency of you use different load C.)

quartz tuning fork

25 Hz - Gold, Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown Chakras. The crystal is identical, and oscillates the same. 8pc Chakra Tuning Fork Set - Professionally Tuned. All they can do is tune the crystal to frequency at a specified load capacitance. 14 Piezoelectric quartz tuning forks were origi- nally introduced into scanning probe microscopy for use in scanning near field acoustic microscopy15 and later. Note that manufacturers can't/don't "make" the crystal for either resonance. Series resonance is commonly used for overtone oscillators, as without an LC filter, the oscillator will usually prefer the fundamental. Most such quartz clock crystals vibrate at a frequency of 32 768 Hz. (the crystal is operated in the inductive region) The simplest and cheapest oscillator circuits don't use an inductor, they use capacitors, and thus must be in parallel resonance. Series resonance is not commonly used, because it requires an inductor in the oscillator circuit to cancel out the electrode capacitance of the crystal. From the oscillators in circuit perspective parallel resonance is sharp. Your plots are not accounting for the impedances in circuit, you are just viewing it from the series resistance perspective. We present the measurements of a parametrically excited quartz tuning fork in vacuum at very low temperatures ( sim 20 20 mK) and magnetic field of 1.5 Tesla. You can see that the amplitude peaks at its series resonant frequency (also note the slight asymmetry)Īlso note the dip of the parallel resonant frequency on log scale, and note the circuit diagram added. I just added screenshots of the plot of my actual measurement. Plus, it has the benefit of the frequency not changing due to load capacitance. The resonance is definitely more pronounced than the asymmetry (antiresonance). Why wouldn't they design it such that the peak (resonance, marked as A in the image) is at the frequency of 32768Hz? My question is the following: why do companies make the quartz tuning forks such that the tuning fork has antiresonance frequency of 32768Hz with the appropriate value of load capacitance?Īntiresonance shows up as a slight asymmetry in your amplitude plot, as can been seen in the black curve in the image below (B).

quartz tuning fork

I noticed the frequency position of the resonance did not change but the frequency position of the antiresonance increased, as would be expected from the wikipedia page linked above. I excited the tuning fork with and without a 10pF capacitor. I just tested the frequency response of a tuning fork, which was designed with 10pF load capacitance in mind. Based on the explanation here, I understand that if you electrically drive a tuning fork, you would first see a peak (resonance) and dip (antiresonance).

Quartz tuning fork